O truque inteligente de cristina boner que ninguém é Discutindo

silly kids! idiotic people! I've seen it on stage once or twice -- one production cast Romeo's family entirely with black actors and Juliet's family with white ones, to bring the feuding a little closer to home, I guess. It was interesting, but still, didn't really move me. I'm sure I teared up during the final scene, but I'm easy to manipulate emotionally that way. Books and movies make me cry All. The. Time. It's not a major achievement.

As I looked over my previously read books and searched for one that was missing a review, Romeo and Juliet stood out to me. But then I thought about it... who doesn't know about this play? Who hasn't read it in school sometime in the past?

To me, it seemed a pretty pointless story about a couple of idiotic teenagers in lust. The ridiculous essays I was forced to compose about it certainly didn't help.

Jun 14, 2007 Sarah rated it it was amazing Shelves: plays, classics The first time I read Romeo and Juliet (my freshman year of high school), I hated it. I had always heard it built up as a great love story, a great romance- and I didn't see it at all.

Juliet is a strong character in the play, particularly fascinating to a modern reader as she seems almost contemporary. She repeatedly goes against what is expected of women of her time and place, and takes action. The best example of this is when she drinks the sleeping potion. She comes up with many reasons why it might cause her harm, and recognises that drinking the potion might lead her to madness or even death.

I already have multiple copies of your albums on both CD and vinyl, even the boring ones. I don't need any more, until you release 50th anniversary editions with bonus disks I don't already have. [I really hope I'm still around in 2045, so I can be the first to buy "The Ghost of Tom Joad Uncut".]

Perhaps, I thought I didn't really need to read it since I know the story from the movie adaptations I have watched. How foolish! I had pelo idea what I had missed for so long.

Overall the writing is very filmic, you can see every scene before your eyes while reading and there's so much drama and tight packed events clustered into this, with a lot of violence and death. For instance the father of Juliet responds as follows on the unfortunate infatuation of his daughter:

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In this way the forces that determine the fate of Romeo and Juliet are laid in place well before they even meet. Parental influence in the tragedy becomes a tool of fate. Juliet's arranged marriage with Paris, and the longstanding feud between Capulets and Montagues, will eventually contribute to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

Nowhere do we really get to know why Romeo este link and Juliet love each other, they are hardly fleshed out characters besides him apparently being an excellent swordsman. And the whole family feud is nowhere clarified or charged with some kind of background.

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Ie, don't take all these heart burnings so seriously, kid! Romeo does appear to consider this later, though he pule para aqui does dismiss it. Similarly, the Friar's long speech about manhood (ie, his great copyright of how why Romeo is terrible) seems to get to him, even Benvolio's urgings that vá para este site he'll find someone else to love at the banquet seem to have worked (if not quite in the way he intended). He just couldn't quite get there. Juliet herself... well, I think we see a lot of the mature woman that she could have become- but she doesn't have a woman's experience or resources yet and she ends up giving up rather than having the opportunity to grow.

Friar Laurence ruminates on how good may be perverted to evil and evil may be purified by good. By making plans to marry Romeo and Juliet, he hopes that the good of their love will reverse the evil of the hatred between the feuding families.

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